A Star Trek writing and role-playing community

Boldly go with us…

The USS Sojourner is a Nova-based, play-by-email style role-playing game. Writers on the game create written works detailing their characters’ activities within our chosen setting: the USS Sojourner, a Federation starship exploring the Delta Quadrant thanks to the stabilization of the Barzan wormhole (see the About section for more info). Aboard the Sojourner (or “Sojo” for short), players can create solo posts about their characters and their activities as well as collaborate with other writers on joint posts, where characters can interact and work together for social or mission-focused RP.

Beyond the game itself, our players also enjoy being part of a tight-knit community. Hosted on the Sim Central Discord, our writers chat on the daily, engaging each other around what’s going on in their lives and conversing on various topics of interest. We also use the Discord chat to coordinate discussion around plots and character arcs involving our litany of primary characters and any associated secondary and tertiary characters.

If being part of a Star Trek writing family sounds of interest, find us on the Sim Central Discord (see below for more information) and let us know what kind of character you would enjoy playing! Feel free also to check out more information about the game on this site and let us know what questions you might have.

Welcome aboard!